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How To Hold A Successful Garage Sale by Conleth C Onu Selling items you own, but do not need anymore is a great way to make money. Pick one weekend and drive through any city or town, and you're sure to spot dozens of garage sales. And they are making money selling items that people no longer use or want taking up space. Everybody accumulates items that other people are eagerly searching for and are willing to pay a reasonable amount to have them. If you look over every corner of your home, you will discover that you have lots of stuffs you no longer need. A few examples of such items are: toasters, toys, clothes, hair dryers, coffee pots, rollar skates, bikes, furniture, pictures, books, sporting equipment, televisions, bags, CDs, tape recorders and household tools. You can make good money by holding a garage sale. Holding a garage sale provides an outlet for unwanted items, which other people are looking for, and will pay good money for. You don't need a garage to hold a garage sale. It can be held anywhere - yard, lawn, basement, garage, porch, or house. But you need to know why people go to garage sales, what items they buy and how to set prices on your merchandise. You can hold your sale for one day if you like. But holding a two or three-day sale offers advantages not available in the case of one-day sales. For example, if it rains on the day of your one-day sale, your sale will be ruined. But in a two or three-day sale, you have an alternative date in case it rains. The people who come to buy at garage sales are looking for bargains. They expect a hefty discount. Don't disappoint them. Before you hold your sale, visit several garage sales in your area. Find out what's being offered for sale, what people are buying, how and where to place signs, how to decorate the location, and how the merchandise is displayed. You need to advertise your sale. There are several ways to advertise your sale. You can place ads in local newspapers. Include the times, date and address of the garage sale. Put signs around the main roads in your community. Put notices on bulletin boards. Word of mouth is also an excellent advertising method. Make your garage sale known to as many people as you can. Place posters in front of your house when your garage sale is open for business. This will pull in your neighbors and attract the people driving by. Don't forget to remove the signs after the sale. You can decide to make it a spare-time business. Your next sale will run more smoothly than the previous sale because you have gained some valuable experience. You can buy more items to add if you have a few items that didn't sell in the first sale. When you start adding items to whatever is left over from the previous sale, you will have garage sales in some kind of steady fashion. You can buy items from pawnshops, cleaners, rental companies, junkyards, local manufacturing companies, auction and liquidation companies. Place ads in the newspaper stating that you buy garage sale items, or take them on consignment for a percentage of the final sale price. A garage sale is a great way to make money. To have a successful sale, it takes some preparation and basic know-how. Be sure to check with your local officials regarding laws and regulations of garage sales. Now that you're excited to get started with your own garage sale, and pack a profit in your pocket you should get more information before setting up your first sale. About the AuthorConleth C Onu is the author of "HOW To Make Profits With Your Own Successful Garage Sale." This ebook guides you through every step of a successful sale. Visit his websites: http://www.publishinglink.com and http://www.conlethonupublishing.com
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